Shamblin Masonry & Restoration

The Best Masonry service in Columbus, OH and surrounding areas. We provide professional service and offer free quotes. Reach out today to learn how we can help.

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Licensed #Columbus, OH
Family owned
Local owned

About Us

Shamblin Masonry & Restoration is a reputable masonry company serving Columbus, OH, and its surrounding areas. With years of experience, we specialize in providing top-notch masonry and restoration services. We pride ourselves on their attention to detail, skilled craftsmanship and commitment to customer satisfaction in every project we undertake.

Shamblin Masonry & Restoration team in Columbus, Ohio - people or person Shamblin Masonry & Restoration team in Columbus, Ohio - people or person

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, at Shamblin Masonry & Restoration, we provide free estimates for all masonry and restoration services. We believe in transparency and want to ensure that our customers have a clear understanding of the cost before proceeding with any project. Our team will visit your property, assess the scope of work, and provide you with an accurate estimate at no cost.

Shamblin Masonry & Restoration sets itself apart through its exceptional craftsmanship, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction. With years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled masons ensures every project is completed to the highest standards. Moreover, we prioritize open communication with our clients, providing personalized solutions tailored to their specific needs. Whether it's a restoration, repair, or new construction project, we pride ourselves on delivering unmatched quality and professionalism.

At Shamblin Masonry & Restoration, we offer a comprehensive range of masonry services including brick and stone installations, repairs, tuckpointing, chimney rebuilds, foundation repairs, and waterproofing. Whether it's residential or commercial, we have the skills and expertise to handle any masonry project with precision and quality craftsmanship.

Areas we proudly serve

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